Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Words of God:Thoughts from Elder Ballard's Talk

Elder Ballard :S. L. Institute Speaker
 The Future rests on our shoulders.  We need to Protect moral values of decency- In our world Morals seem to change to what everyone wants them to be. You have eternal standards. Live up to them. Prepare to serve: country, community, and family. Building relationships Remove  fear with faith & trust in God. Lift away your fear. Trust God. Your Heavenly Father Loves you, you are his sons & daughters. Learn the eternal Gospel, keep the commandments, live rightously and we will find even in difficulties & challenges or heartaches--we will find peace, joy and happiness even in difficult circumstances. Keep our mind focused on studying the scriptures & the gospel. Learn about your eternal journey. We lived in the Pre-Existence in the Pre-Earth life with our Heavenly Father. We will Live forever in Eternal Life. Blessings to be with Heavenly Father eternally are our through keeping Eternal Covenants. Prepare to use Revealed Technology to Proclaim the Gospel. Respond to friends who have questions,on your blog, twitter or other technological devices to defend the church. Live worthily & serve your church callings faithfully & you'll lead your own homes as fathers & Mothers. You are they who will carry this kingdom on. God bless you in all your education, prepare spiritually and learn to love the Lord. In all Learning don't forget:Melvin  Ballard said: "And above all brethren, let us think strait." Think strait in a world that is not thinking strait. In a world with the media, pornography & lack of morals; don't tamper with that. Focus on thinking strait all the days of your life. Read your Scriptures at least 30 minutes everyday, this will help nurture & strengthen your testimony.

Chelsea Merkley

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