"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To sleep; And by sleep to say we end- The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To sleep: perchance to dream..." (Altered version from William Shakespeare's Hamlet)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Powell/Cox Tragedy
The news of the death of Josh Powell's children and himself has been affecting me and I decided I need to write about it. I had a feeling at the beginning of this case that the husband was responsible for his wife's dissapearance and death. He always gave me a sick, twisted feeling when I saw him on the news. His countenance was tainted and his eyes looked like he was seriously mentally disturbed. I am not saying he did it for sure, but the fact that he took the lives of his own children with him makes him look extremely guilty.
There is no doubt that this man was severely depressed and mentally deranged. He was demonized by the media, but frankly I think he made himself look bad in the first place. He was followed everywhere he went and last week I had heard that the court had ordered a Psychosexual evaluation on him to be released this week. I just can't imagine those poor children having to be subject to such a crazy, horrible man and his selfishness! I have had my struggles with anxiety and depression, I know what is it capable of and how the darkness can engulf one's mind if it is allowed to do so. I just wish that 3 lives; Susan, and her two boys did not have to be taken. It's so very debilitating to me. When we heard the news last night, it was before dinner.
My husband and I lost a lot of our appetites and couldn't eat much. It was shocking and horrifying. It was really bothering my husband last night. I know the tragic news was taking so much out of a lot of people I know and love, and I am sorry for that. People who commit such horrific acts do not understand how many people they affect when a harsh decision is made.
My only solace is that these 3 innocent victims will be with Heavenly Father and Jesus and together.
And the boys are with Susan, their Mother again. Chelsea Merkley
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